TENKARA Monitor Tour
We believe that in order to popularize Tenkara fishing, we want foreigners visiting Japan to experience Tenkara fishing.
Therefore, we held a tenkara fishing monitor tour from November 23rd to 25th.
Although most of the participants had little fishing experience, they learned about the fun of tenkara and about activities to protect nature.
Tying Class
First, Mr. Tanabe, a tenkara fishing guide in the Miyori area, taught us how to tie kebari, and everyone made 2-3 kebari of their own.
Mr. Tanabe compares tenkara fishing to something familiar and explains how to make kebari by making good use of familiar things.

After making the kebari, it’s time to start tenkara fishing.
Although it was winter and the water temperature was low, the eating was not good, but almost everyone caught rainbow trout, and char was also mixed in.

Tenkara fishing is fishing to obtain mountain stream fish for food.
For this reason, we generally eat the fish we catch, and on this day we grilled it with salt and made it as sashimi.

Save Our Nature
We carry out various activities to protect fish in our rich natural environment.
One of these activities is “creating spawning beds”, which involves creating riverbeds where fish can easily spawn.
Although the efforts have only just begun, we hope that the rich river will be protected.
This time, we asked the monitors to take a look at this spawning bed.
